• October 18, 2020

Guide: Self-Book Publication Process (2022)

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Guide: Self-Book Publication Process (2022)

1. Move your cheese: By Mandeep Singh

image 12
PC: eBay

2. The Immortals of Meluha: By Amish Tripathi

image 13
Source: Snapdeal

3. Tell A Thousand lies: By Rasana Atreya

Rasana Atreya

4. Military Pensions: By Major Navdeep Singh

major navdeep singh

Yes! you’re thinking right. This is often the list of authors who chose to adopt a special thanks to publishing their books, over the normal one. does one also want to be a neighborhood on this list? Then, the subsequent words are meant for you.

The traditional practice of publishing a book Consists of two options:

  • One- is to possess an agent who assists you from contacting an enormous publisher to finally make your book published.
  • Two- To directly contact the publisher whose logo you would like on your book.

It seems quite easier to follow this approach, right? Then what made many authors select a difficult path – which is Self-Publishing a Book? to know this, you would like to scroll down.

Why you ought to Self-Publish a Book?

Self-Publishing a Book is useful on the following grounds:


By selecting the Self-Publishing Process, you’ll get the privilege of not being wholly hooked into a publication house to urge your book launched. The rights of deciding the way to publish, when to publish, and where to publish remain with you.

No-Risk of Rejection

As you don’t waive the proper selection to the publisher, there’ll be no fear of rejection.

Elimination of Mediator

You won’t be in got to have an agent to help you in self-publishing. So, the value also will be hampered.

Rise in Revenue

If you decide to travel with a publisher, they’re going to have a cut from your royalty. If you’ve got an agent, this cut will rise. But, within the case of Self-Publishing, these costs are going to be completely removed and you’ll get a better amount of royalty in your hands.

Higher self-worth

As you’re the owner of decision powers, your morals get boosted once you perform all the tasks of publishing on your own.
If you would like your book to be included in a Self-Publishing Success Story, first you would like to understand and follow a step-by-step Self Publication Process.

How To Self Publish a Book

Step 1: Pre-Writing Phase

Before going for full-fledged writing, some basic items got to be found out. they’re – the essential idea or concept of the book, genre of the book, outline and rough draft of what you’re getting to write, etc. If your book is fiction, giving shape to the characters and story, and if you’re writing a non-fiction book, then collecting the info and facts are your pre-writing tasks.

Step 2: Writing

Putting the findings of the prewriting phase into words and forming the book is but the core a part of the entire process of the way to self-publish. Deciding on the title and subtitle is a component of the writing phase itself.

Step 3: Editing

Avoiding this significant stage will cost you much above the value of hiring a knowledgeable editor. Editors work like spectacles that catch up with the literary mistakes that we cannot with our eyes. There could also be some agonized features in your writing, which editors are experts in discovering.

Step 4: Proofreading

A proofreader polishes and provides a final touch to your book by removing typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, and other structural mistakes.

Step 5: Appearance of the Book

This is the stage where you opt for how your book will look. This includes-

  • Cover Page- a beautiful display inspires the reader to open your book among many on the shelf. Title, Sub-title, Graphics, Image, etc should be arranged in a manner that the book cover gets printed within the reader’s mind.
  • Internal Formatting- This includes the layout, width, and size of the pages, and eye-friendly fonts to form the reading experience a pleasing one.

Step 6: Choosing Platform

The answer to ‘How to Self-Publish’ is easiest ever with platforms like Amazon Kindle, Pothi, White falcon, Bluerose, Createspace & more. KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is the hottest where you’ll publish as an E-book or a print book or both.

Step 7: Promotion

What if your book is published but nobody knows that you simply have done so? That’s why you would like to make a robust strategy to plug your book as there’s not a publisher to try it for you.
Distributing some copies for free of charge, making some quotes of the book viral, and interesting your readers on social media, interviews, and uploading a brief description of the book on your social media accounts are a number of the techniques to market.

Step 8: Post-Release Phase

Here, you continue to continue marketing to urge more copies sold. Plus, now you begin getting reviews & ratings from the readers and you’ll use them as a tool to realize more sales.

How Much you would like to take a position for Self-Publishing a Book

Self-Publishing Costs involve the value of-

  • Hiring an editor
  • Hiring a proof-reader
  • Getting the duvet page designed
  • Printing, if you would like to publish a book in paperback format.
  • Purchasing ISBN, Universal Product Code & BISAC codes (click here to understand what’s ISBN & BISAC)
  • Promotional events

You can hamper one among the Self-Publishing Costs i.e., the value of printing, as some platforms give the power of Print on Demand (POD).

Source: Amazon.co.uk

Any method can never be fully proof. So, there also exists Self-Publishing Pros & Cons.

  • As it’s easy to publish, the number of authors doing so is increasing. Therefore, it’s challenging for you to differentiate yourself and succeed.
  • It is sort of a one-man army where you would like to beat all the barriers on your own.
  • You are solely liable regardless of the results are.

Now, as you recognize the way to Self Publish a Book alongside Self-Publishing Pros & Cons, it’s the time to awaken the author in you. It allows you to form your own Self-Publishing Success Story & make your name bigger than a publisher.

So, what are you waiting for? Just sit within the corner, and kick start your writing career.

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