• August 11, 2020

21 LinkedIn recommendation template you can use the right way

12 minutes to read

21 LinkedIn recommendation template you can use the right way

Linkedin: A gold mine for B2B marketers who are scrolling actively to look for valuable content to read. But the difference between these personnel is they want someone with whom they can work. They are searching for the perfect content that can change their business. With over 660+ million users, its database is increasing every year.

Tools such as Lead generation, Sales Navigator, and a recruitment feature, this platform has summoned readers to read the profile. To have a profile on LinkedIn is highly essential, and for whatever reason, you are using it, it needs to highlight that your profile is worthy of looking at.

What is a LinkedIn recommendation? 

LinkedIn recommendation shows that as much as products/ services need marketing, people do need that too. LinkedIn recommendations are the mini perfect sales pitch to help someone. Therefore, you must write a proposal that expresses the referee’s features and skills that help them to hire.

A LinkedIn recommendation is shiny diamonds added to your crown, enhancing its beauty and making it brighter. Similarly, an excellent recommendation should have a story of the bond that made you recommend this person highlighting his personality, skills, work, or projects combined.

A recommendation can open the doors of opportunity that can help people achieve their professional goals. Besides, there is a good chance of getting a recommendation that can help to improve your profile.

We got you a little guide to writing a good LinkedIn recommendation review to make your recommendation valuable and meaningful.

Minimal is good 

Before your brain starts working at the speed of a rocket, pause on it, and focus on keeping it short. The recommendation has a limit of 3000 characters, but there is no need to use it all. Three paragraphs with meaningful content are recommended.

Start with a bang. 

To grab attention, you have to be discreet about your opening lines. Most movies start with an exciting scene, astonishing the viewers to show its value for their time. The same thing applies here. Start your sentence that summarizes the whole recommendation and grab the attention of the viewers. See these examples. Have a look at this Linkedin recommendation example:

“We met many people every day, but only some leave the marks, and one of them is Nate.” 

“This is the person who has become for me an ideal for…” 

State your professional relationship for recommendations.  

“So why is this person recommending the following person?” The readers will be curious to know about you and how you see the person and what relation you have. Linkedin will provide your details next to the recommendation. This detail will show why you have the authority to recommend this person. Here are some  Linkedin recommendation samples.

“Sheela expertly filled the HR manager role for my company’s recruitment for just over three years.” 

“I hired Laura as a freelance Ruby developer in 2017 after seeing his online portfolio, and since then, she has completed numerous projects without any flaw.”

Describe unique qualities and skills 

This is the crucial part of Linkedin’s recommendation, where you describe what is so special about this person. Think about what makes this person stand out? What do they do better than anyone else? Highlight his value and strength in the recommendation to help him/her in the future. See the following Linkedin recommendation template:

“Mia’s multitasking ability was unlike I’ve seen before and made an applause-worthy increase in our company’s growth level.” 

“I was impressed by John’s ability to handle any situation calmly and patiently, even with the toughest clients. This natural skill of his has helped us grab many clients throughout our journey. “

Personal and sentimental value matters 

You recommend someone based on their skills, knowledge, and expertise, and the basis of their personality, but make sure to be politically correct and globally accepted as the company’s values and cultures vary. Hiring managers want to make sure you are the right fit for the team and who is excellent to work with, here are some Linkedin recommendation examples,

“and we still miss Pete at the office parties.” 

“Liam made sure that no one leaves the tense meeting without a smile.” 

End on an authoritative statement 

It’s time to call for some action and make this movie a hit. Summarize and close with some reliable recommendations. Check these Linkedin recommendation reviews: 

“Any organization would be lucky to have Jena as their manager.” 

“Andrew will be a valuable asset to any company.” 

“As a leader, Thomas earns my highest recommendation.”

You made it! You got your perfect LinkedIn recommendation, as seen in the sample. Just spare 5 minutes, and your recommendation is ready to share. Look at our LinkedIn reviews  for the various post:

Linkedin recommendation templates for colleagues. 

  • “I have worked with many professionals throughout my journey, but Alex was a unique one to work. I started my work journey with him, and he helped me understand the company’s internal process. His work ethics are pristine, and he is easily adjustable to a given situation. His ability to go out of his way to help others has made him stand out. Thanks a lot, man! You made the transition smooth and more comfortable. ” 

  • “We’ve joined our hands on several projects, and Pete is one of the best people I had as a partner. I highly recommend his expertise to any person looking for an electrical engineer. He is the most profound person I have met, and his ability to tackle any problem is remarkable and with a warm smile. Pete would become an appreciated member of any team.”

  • “There is no better colleague than Kim. She is one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve worked with and is willing to put that extra help whenever you need it. Her expertise as a developer is considerable, and it helped our team come up with more efficient solutions on different projects. Her contribution is valuable to the side, and I highly recommend Kim and would love to work with her again. “

Linkedin recommendation templates for managers 

  • “Mr. Charles Hemington is a kind of manager who will show what excellent project management should be. I’ve worked under his guidance for four years and completed many projects, and each time it shows a 30-40% increase in effectiveness compared to other managers. His unique ability to organize the working process and let employees demonstrate their professional skills’ full extent made Mr. Charles our favorite. A combination of humor and empathy helps to lift the spirit in stressful situations. I highly recommend working with a professional like Mr. Charels.”

  • ” Mr. John is an excellent manager. I had a pleasure working for six years with him, and he leads by example. He always kept the team morale up, and I believe he is the best manager I ever had as he is friendly. His ability to work through the crisis and develop new ways to achieve the targets were always inspiring. I am delighted to work and learn with such professionals.”

  • “Mr. Steve is such a delightful person to have around. He is a great manager and an outstanding mentor with a rich experience of 10 years. He is innovative, organized as well as helpful and is always open to ideas and suggestions. He has made me improve in many professional areas and taught me about leadership skills. It was a pleasure to be managed by him for all these years.”

Linkedin recommendation template for students

  • “Christina grey worked as a server and a manager at Coffee delight under my supervision for four semesters beginning2013. I was consistently impressed by her essential managerial skills, her dedication, and good humor. She is an innovator who always helped me to improve the café. She is a hard worker and talented young lady, and it was indeed a delight to work with her. I recommend Christina for the position of server/ manager in your café.”

Linkedin recommendation template for HR 

  • “George is an expert in recruiting people in the transport and traffic engineering industry. He has knowledge of the USA and the international market, and he is my first port of call for career movement advice since 2007. George differs from other people in the recruitment industry with his in-depth knowledge of possible issues while helping clients re-allocate from one place to another. Besides these qualities, he is direct and precise in estimating his client’s possibilities on the market. I would always recommend George to anyone in need of a new job.”

  • ”Fred is knowledgeable, articulate, and a pleasure to work. He was a senior member of the Recruiting team when I joined the company in 2014, and he was somebody I trusted and looked forward to guidance and advice. He brings integrity and intelligence to his work, and I believe his overall presence positively impacted the company and my individual experience working there.”

  • “Sophie is a perfect example of a skilled HR manager, and she brings all the abilities to the table. She is focused, reliable, and goal-oriented, which inspired our team to be more like her and always do our best. She is kind and an outstanding person and knows how to bring the best out of each person.” 

Linkedin recommendations template for Boss 

  • “Mrs. Gabriela Smith is a perfect example of an active and helpful supervisor. I enjoyed working with her guidance for three years. Thanks to his supervision, I gained a lot of knowledge about sales. She is knowledgeable in expertise and innate leadership quality. Her firm approaches and approach to handling conflicts of the team are appreciated. I recommend Mrs. Smith is a valuable asset to your company.”

  • “Diana is a genuine and kind human who helped me to grow as an employee. When I joined the company, she arranged a meeting with some of the critical members of the sales and marketing teams to get more insight into the goals and structure of the company. Diana responds to every question and query calmly and thoughtfully, and later she even follows up to make sure my issues get resolved or not. Her patience and willingness motivate me to give my best.”

  • “Mr. Tom is a motivated, hard-working, and intelligent CEO who is expertise in his area. A broad-minded CEO, who welcomes change and motivates to do better every day. His exceptional set of skills, ingenuity, and integrity made the project a dream. Mr. Tom leads by example, and many people in the workplace find his enthusiasm and dedication, both inspiring and motivating. I am lucky to work for such personnel.”

LinkedIn recommendation for Senior 

  • “Mr. Chris is a fantastic professional who brings all of the skills and expertise in accounting. It was indeed a pleasure working with such senior personnel at the office. Under his guidance, I gained a variety of skills that help me in every aspect. I worked as an accountant for three years. Though he was a senior, he always made me feel welcome and ask for my opinions and matters on various issues. He was the best person any new intern can ask.”

  • “I am working with Mr.Chuck for a long time now. In these years, he has taught me so many valuable lessons on life. He knew my qualities and pushed me to work on it to make it better. He has expertise and knowledge in the field, and the way he handles the clients is genuinely remarkable. He has earned everybody’s respect through his skills and value. I recommend Mr. Chuck as a senior needed for everyone who is looking to make themselves better.”

  • “I worked with Mr. Lorrie as a fellow staff member, and as my senior on the project, he is highly adaptable, encouraging, and supportive and an effective leader. I learned a lot from Mr. Lorrie as a person, as an engineer, as a leader, and I took forward to see the team continue to grow under his vision and leadership.”

Linkedin recommendations for Clients 

  • “Mrs. Sophia was my first client when I joined the company. She wanted to hire me to handle the legal matters of her company. Mrs. Sophia is calm, polite, and an intelligent lady who has built her empire on her own, and is well aware of all the market’s whereabouts. She is truly an inspiring lady, and I am glad to serve my services to her.”  

  • “Mr. Warren, a strategic thinker, and a wise investor is one of the best businessmen I met. I started working with him a couple of years ago to provide my services for renting heavy equipment for construction sites. He is smart and handles every situation very carefully and in the right manner. He is punctual, hard-working, and has a good network for various business opportunities. I highly recommend working with him to get the best out of everything.”

Linkedin recommendation for Developer

  • “Ashley is an excellent resource, and a master at embedded programming has been a real gem to my clients and contacts. She makes sure all the deadlines meet and that also with the highest standards. She is a hardworking and dedicated person who will complete your project in a given time frame. I would recommend and endorse Ashley.” 

  • “Kale is an IT networking genius. He has an outstanding network and holds the highest certification from CISCO. He is a professional, helpful, and positive person. It is a pleasure and honor to recommend Kale to anyone who wants to hire him. He is truly a gem.”

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