• April 22, 2023

The Rise of Sustainable Branding: How Eco-friendly Practices Boost Your Business Image

5 minutes to read

The Rise of Sustainable Branding: How Eco-friendly Practices Boost Your Business Image

I don’t know about any of you, but I treasure sustainable and unique packaging when I get my hands on one. It could be a beautiful jute ribbon to tie the curtain, or a cloth case made from khadi cotton to safely store my cashmere sweater or something even as simple as a unique tag made from hand-made paper which I use as a bookmark. These brands make the experience- from the buying to the package opening, quite memorable. Moreover, the consumers enjoy both the products and the packaging. This is one example of eco-friendly practices that can help boost your business image. Consumers of today are conscious about the products they use, in a McKinsey & Co. survey, 75% of millennial respondents and 66% of all respondents report that sustainability is an important factor in their purchase decisions. Benefits of sustainable branding are galore, the most important being that you are not harming the environment in any way.

Sustainability is now more than just a trendy word; it is an important factor for companies of all sizes. In response, a lot of businesses are adopting eco-friendly procedures and sustainable branding to enhance their brand recognition and win over clients that value social and environmental responsibility. Here are some advantages of sustainable branding for your company.

1. Improved Brand Reputation

Consumers are more likely to support brands that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. By adopting eco-friendly practices and promoting them in your branding, you signal to customers that you care about the planet and are taking steps to reduce your environmental impact. This can enhance your brand reputation and increase consumer trust and loyalty.

2. Increased Sustainable Sales

Branding can also help drive sales, particularly among eco-conscious consumers. According to a 2020 survey by Accenture, 60% of consumers said they are more likely to purchase products and services from companies that are environmentally friendly. By incorporating sustainable practices and messaging into your branding, you can attract these consumers and differentiate yourself from competitors who are not prioritizing sustainability.

3. Cost Savings

Sustainability isn’t just good for the planet – it can also be good for your bottom line. By reducing waste, conserving energy, and adopting other eco-friendly practices, you can cut costs and increase efficiency. For example, implementing a recycling program can reduce waste disposal costs. These cost savings can help you reinvest in other areas of your business. Below in the picture you can see a program by Plum wherein they arrange for customers to return the bottles, jars, etc. once the products are finished. A great way to attract customers!

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4. Attracting and Retaining Employees

Sustainable branding can also help you attract and retain top talent. According to a 2020 survey by Cone Communications, 76% of millennials said they consider a company’s social and environmental commitments when deciding where to work. By promoting your sustainability efforts in your branding, you can signal to potential employees that you are a responsible and forward-thinking company that cares about more than just profits. This can help you attract top talent and reduce employee turnover.

5. Positive Social Impact

In addition to the environmental benefits, sustainable branding can also have a positive social impact, demonstrating your commitment to social justice and equality. This can enhance your reputation among consumers and employees who prioritize these values and can also help drive positive change in your industry and community.

Examples of Sustainable Branding in Action

Many companies are already embracing sustainable branding and reaping the benefits. Here are some examples of brands that are leading the way:

Who Gives a Crap

Who Gives a Crap is a paper roll company based in Australia. Their products are made from bamboo, which means they not only serve the purpose but are also sustainable. More than that, the company donated half of its profits to build toilets around the world. Although Who Gives a Crap is clearly a humorous offering, it tackles a very serious issue. Nearly 40% of the world’s population—2.4 billion people—does not have access to even basic sanitation. As a result, 4000 children under the age of five lose their lives to water-borne infections every single day. The brand is hitting all the right spots- product, marketing campaigns, CSR and the driving force is phenomenal branding.

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Neeman’s as a company has chosen a wide selection of comfortable, cruelty-free, and vegan shoes that will enhance your personality. The brand has created a reputation for fusing comfort with style. It uses natural, renewable fabric that is soft and light on your feet and believes in employing eco-friendly manufacturing techniques to create all of its products.

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Some brands have an in-house team that takes care of all the branding initiatives but for the ones that don’t, there is always an option of hiring a branding agency. Implementing green marketing practices can help your brand to attract and retain customers. We can help you out with this, connect with Granth.

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