During the COVID-19 pandemic, Manish Patel, new to Ahmedabad, longed for the authentic flavors of home-cooked meals. Recognizing the missing element was pure, unprocessed oil, he started a small oil factory in Amreli in October 2020. Using the finest G-20 groundnuts, the first batch of Sahaj Oil was created, bringing a taste of home to everyone who tried it. The positive response encouraged Manish Patel to share the benefits of original oil with a wider audience. The word spread quickly, and soon Sahaj Oil was in high demand, expanding to over 80 cities. PURE. NATURAL. ORIGINAL - this is the dream of Sahaj Groundnut Oil.
Collaborated with Sahaj Oil's team to capture the essence of the brand's story, from the initial inspiration in Ahmedabad to the production process in Amreli. This included crafting compelling visuals, narration and editing footage to create impactful videos showcasing the journey.
Developed and implemented a comprehensive social media strategy. This involved creating engaging content that highlighted the purity and authenticity of the product, creating a community around the brand, and amplifying Sahaj Oil's reach across various platforms.
Worked closely with Sahaj Oil to design and develop a user-friendly website that reflected the brand's values and story. The website served as a central hub for information about the product, its origins, and its benefits.
Assisted Sahaj Oil in creating and producing a podcast ‘Sahaj Vaato’ series that delved deeper into the world of traditional oils, exploring topics such as health benefits, culinary uses, and the cultural significance of pure ingredients.
Collaborated with Sahaj Oil to develop comprehensive brand collaterals that encapsulated the brand's identity, values, and visual elements.
Provided creative input and design expertise to enhance Sahaj Oil's packaging. This involved creating visually appealing labels and packaging materials that communicated the brand's story, emphasized the product's purit.
Initiating the CRM portal was the secret ingredient that cultivated loyalty and harvested growth within the Sahaj’s customer policy.
Established originally in 2001, Atul started with a vision to provide the cherishable experience of a bakery that customers have always wished for. Since the beginning, Atul Bakery’s focus was solely on providing fresh and qualitative baked items. After having penetrated the market has gathered 20 years of experience, they have expanded to over 200+ chains of bakery stores nationwide.
Narola Machines is a manufacturing company that provides high-end laser technology-based machinery for diamond processing and other industrial applications. Today, it is a leading supplier of custom-designed, fully integrated machinery. Its unique way of working, modern and innovative production facilities, top-class materials, and in-house R&D have helped it to deliver high quality results.
Read about the latest trends in content marketing and branding from the POV of the best branding and advertising agency in Ahmedabad.
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